From: Maren Heidemann <>
To: Jason W Neyers <>
Date: 01/02/2021 10:19:57
Subject: Re: ODG: Virtual Book Launch
Attachments: Poster_3Feb2021_LCFGCEFSL.pdf

Dear colleagues,

Our event this Wednesday fits in with this theme - I thought you might be interested in this "interdisciplinary" approach (exploring the roles of public and private law in this type of justice). Needless to say we are leaning towards the merits of private law.... and trying to fight its corner or at least find the missing link.

Kind regards,

Dr. Maren Heidemann, Ass. iur., LLM
Academic Convenor and Director
The London Centre for Commercial and Financial Law

On 26 Jan 2021, at 20:17, Jason W Neyers <> wrote:

Dear Colleagues:
Brooklyn Law School will be hosting a virtual book launch for Andrew Gold’s new book, The Right of Redress.  Panel participants will include John Goldberg, Henry Smith, Christina Mulligan, and Ted Janger.  The event will be held on Zoom, on February 18, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. (Eastern time).  Please click here for information on the event and to register.
About the Book:

The law enables private parties to undo the wrongs committed against them, allowing them to seek redress. Moreover, a distinctive kind of justice governs our legal rights of redress, different from the leading corrective justice approaches. Through analysis of these key ideas, The Right of Redress (Oxford University Press, 2020) helps to make sense of tort, contract, fiduciary law, and unjust enrichment doctrine. The Right of Redress offers a pathbreaking account of the justice in private law, the political theory that underlies it, and the contemporary features that shape the field today.

Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)